Bowling News

Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBA Date 24.11.20
Audience : Districts to forward to clubs
Grants and Funds
The government-sponsored business grant fund should be available from your local council. It is open to clubs who have a rateable value and have had to CLOSE in the latest lockdown.
You have to apply and confirm that you have suffered because of the lockdown, we would suggest if you normally would be closed in the period of the lockdown, you should check that your club is eligible to receive the grant. Our understanding is the authorities will be checking eligibility. Remember this grant is for businesses affected by the lockdown.
Sport England
The return to play fund is open again link below
Winter Leagues
Following the announcement from HM Government of the lifting of the lockdown from December we will communicate the guidelines for the running of winter leagues in the next few days, especially moving between tiers as this has been a hot topic in the phone calls/messages we have received.
The underlying message is common sense should be used
Keep safe everyone
S N Cochrane D Alan Stephenson Joint interim CEO YCCGBA
The advice for running winter leagues to be published in a few days is a bit late for the Huddersfield Winter League who fortunately are more ’on the ball’ than the YCGBA.
PHILIP Of Lindley