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Bowling etiquette query - what would you do?

Bowling News

Bowling News

The two captains meet pre-match to make the draw for which bowlers will be playing each other in today's league match. The visiting captain apologises but he is a bowler short and can only field 9 bowlers in his 10-man team. The home team puts 9 scorecards facedown on the table inviting the opposing captain to cover them with his 9 scorecards.

The visiting captain says that there should be 10 home team cards on the table and he will miss out one of them when he matches his 9 cards with them. The home team captain is adamant that he only needs to put out 9 cards as the visitors only have 9 bowlers. The home team captain has obviously excluded the card with his weakest bowler's name on.

The visiting captain insists that the home team puts out 10 cards hoping to include their opponent's weakest bowler in the match. The home team captain insists that he alone picks his team and that the visiting team is defaulting and so have no rights to insist on 10 cards being on the table.

What would you do?

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Jeff Jacklin
Jeff Jacklin
Jun 24, 2021

I disagree with the consensus here. I believe that the team with a missing bowler has no rights in picking their opponent's team. Their team defaulted so no way should they be able to pick and choose who plays for the opposing team. I put this query to some teammates earlier this week and the opinion there was that the captain of the full team should have withheld the 10th bowler's name saying that he wasn't sure yet who his 10th bowler would be as he hadn't turned up yet. That way delaying any selection problems and leading to the 9 bowler cards being put forward for covering by the visiting team captain. He could produce his 10th (and weakest) bowle…


Jun 23, 2021

Obviously, I was thinking of the occasion happening in a Hudds. Vets ( 10 man) League game.

Otherwise , in a 10 singles game it will be 9 v 9.

Philip of Lindley


Jun 23, 2021

Thanks. But if a team is one bowler short, does it mean all the remaining bowlers (9) get a game? In which case , I can only assume 3 singles and 3 doubles would be played. Am I missing something in my attempted logic?

( Obviously I’m not a captain)

Philip of Lindley


Jun 23, 2021

Home team captain can only decide order of play not the format of play


Jun 23, 2021

Would the home captain be in his rights to insist on playing 4 singles and 2 doubles? In which case 2 of his team and 1 of the opposition don’t get a game.

or , can he choose to play 3 singles and 3 doubles? What happens if they disagree?!!

Philip of Lindley

Jeff Jacklin
Jeff Jacklin
Jun 23, 2021
Replying to

It has nothing to do with Singles & Pairs. Why do you assume it is a Veterans League match? 10 cards = 10 singles.

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