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Bowlers need new technology skills

Bowling News

Local News:

Do you feel that you are, or someone you know is, missing out on learning of all the bowling news now available on the internet? Did the lockdown make you realise how important new technology has become and maybe how much more you need to learn to take full advantage of it?

What is Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp and all the other new names that everyone is talking about and you or a friend are totally ignorant of?

Well, Kirkless Council is starting a new round of sessions open to all residents to help improve their technology skills. All training is free for the Over-19s and there is probably a centre near you that you can attend.

Alternatively, there is an option to borrow equipment to enable you to learn from home. The sessions will become available once the centres are allowed to reopen from 17 May. If not for you then maybe you know someone who cannot read this posting and who you think would benefit from such help.

Do you want to learn how to access all your bowling results and playing records then you need to step up and look at this opportunity to provide you with new skills to enjoy your access to bowling websites and so much more than that.

Are you wanting to improve your confidence when using digital technology?

Supported by Kirklees Council, the hubs are run by local community organisations to improve people’s confidence when using digital technology so they become more confident, independent, and stay better connected.

The seven hubs, based at Chickenley, Crosland Moor, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Paddock, Ravensthorpe and Thornhill Lees, are expected to fully re-open on 17 May as part of phase three of the government’s roadmap.

They provide free Wi-Fi and space to access technology in a safe and covid-secure environment, as well as a range of free learning courses for anyone aged 19 or over, to suit people of all levels from beginners, to those with more advanced skills.

Residents can also get online at home with help from a free device or data loan scheme for up to three months. It is envisaged that residents using the loan service will go on to further improve their digital skills and access other learning.

The council is committed to improving digital skills and access to digital technology across the district as it has many benefits for the local economy and health and wellbeing of residents including increased job opportunities, improved work or study capabilities from home and helping to reduce isolation.

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