Winter League
On a day when all bowling at Primrose Hill Lib was postponed ending the hopes of Division 3 bowlers in getting some action so attention turned to Lindley Lib where the green was admirable, running well and fair for all. The weather was really foul at Lindley Lib on Monday with constant rain and some very heavy downpour spells but at least they were bowling (although not all the bowlers would agree with that) and it was not really conducive to taking prize-winning photos. Mike Ralph and I did manage a few snapshots we considered worthy of adding to our collection and these are below.
You may have read the earlier story about how I managed to win the top prizes in the Netherton Con and RUFC raffles on the same day last Thursday and claim two very tasty Breakfast Boards. I know that you will be delighted to learn that my good fortune continued into a second week as I added a prize from the Lindley Lib raffle on Monday. I didn't need any more breakfasts right now as I've sorted over-dosed on them, so I took a box of top-quality chocolate biscuits instead. They go nicely with the box I won earlier in the month at the same venue still awaiting opening. I now weigh half-a-stone heavier than I did immediately after Christmas!

Use the side arrows to scroll through all 19 photos