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Another new team for 2022

Winter League

We are pleased to announce yet another new team applying to join the Winter League for the 2022-23 season which starts next October. There are still seven months to go before the closing date for new teams to come forward so plenty of time for more to join in but that already takes us to 5 new teams to add to the 27 we already have playing this season. Assuming those 27 stay with us next year as well then that makes the League 32 teams strong. A good number to divide into 4 divisions of 8 teams which would be one more division than we have now.

The latest team application comes from Netherton Con who join Thongsbridge, Huddersfield RUBC, Brockholes 'B' and Springwood 'C' as putting themselves forward for League membership. The closing date for new team applications is the first Monday in July so plenty of time for more to come forward and join us.

We also have four clubs that have come forward enquiring about becoming a host green for 2022. Of those four, two have already confirmed that they want to be considered for next year whilst the other two are still awaiting internal club approval for the move.

All very positive as Huddersfield begins to realise the benefits of a 12-month outdoor bowling season. Any other team interested in learning what is involved in joining the groundswell of support for such a move should contact me on

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