Well-Bowled Fantasy League

We have received 24 entries so far for the relaunch of the unique Fantasy Bowls League competition with £200 destined for 9 winners this season. It's free, it's fun and it's fruitful. Follow your eight teams every week and watch the monthly prizes mount up with a bumper prize for the season-long winner. With less than 2 weeks to go before the season starts on 4 April and the deadline for entries creeping ever closer you have two options on how to enter.
Click here to use the absolute minimum Lucky Dip entry form. We just need your name, club and email address and we do the rest for you. Nothing to lose and you are in the mix for £200 of Well Bowled vouchers. Easy Peasy. You are then in the competition, no need to read any further.
Here are the 24 entries received to date. If you are not on this list then I haven't received your entry yet and you have 10 days to get it submitted and be in the shout for the £200 worth of Well Bowled vouchers that will be won by someone.

If you feel the need to control your own selections then that is great. You can make your own 8 team selections using the form below. You can then change any of the selections for your preferred choice as many times as you like before the 4 April deadline. Submit your entry now to make sure you are in the start-of-season mix.
Last season's final league tables for all eight divisions of the Veterans League are at the foot of this posting. You can also take advantage of the pre-season previews that appeared on this website recently with informed opinion about the top contenders in each division. Pick your link...
I am also very pleased to tell you that the long term supporter of the competition, Well Bowled of Luddendenfoot, has resumed its sponsorship with an increased prize fund. There is a total of £200 worth of Well Bowled vouchers to be won this year including a new £20 voucher prize to be won every month through the season. Good luck to you all.
This is how the 2022 Fantasy League is going to work:
Entrants select one team from each of the 8 divisions in the Veterans League. That's 5 from the 10-Man League and 3 from the 6-Man League. Alternatively, opt for a Lucky Dip entry and leave all the work to us.
Every point your 8 selections win over the season goes towards your Fantasy League total.
The top scorer at the end of the season collects a £50 Well Bowled voucher. In the event of a tie then the Tie-Breaker score is taken into account. There are prizes for the two closest challengers - a £20 voucher for the runner-up and a £10 voucher for the third-placed finisher.
The Tie-Breaker is your best guess at how many points the end of season Division 1 Champion will have accumulated.
Every bowler (male or female) or ex-bowler in Huddersfield is entitled to one free entry to the competition. You don't have to bowl in any particular League but you will have to name the club you bowl for to qualify for a free entry. One entry per bowler.
One big difference is that at the end of every month you will be able to substitute one of your underperforming team selections and replace them with another team from the same division.
The closing date for entries is Monday 4 April 2022 by 12noon.
New for this season is a new monthly competition using the same 8 selections. This will run alongside the main season-long competition and this is how that works.
Each month during the six-month season there is a monthly competition to include just the points won during that calendar month. This will use the same 8 selections you have picked for the season-long competition.
All entrants will start each calendar month with no points.
The top scorer in each calendar month will receive a £20 Well Bowled voucher.
In the event of a tie on points in any month then the new Monthly Tie-Breaker will determine the winner of that month's prize.
Scroll down below the Entry Form to see the 2021 League Tables which may help you in the selection of your eight teams
In the event of this form not loading for any reason then please try this direct link to the same form.
The final League Tables for the 2021 Season
