Winter League
Just a reminder that the agenda and papers for the Winter League's Half-Year Meeting of Teams have been circulated to all teams in preparation for the meeting to be held on Wednesday 29 March. Anyone interested in joining the League is welcome to attend this meeting to see how we conduct our business. As a courtesy, advance notice is appreciated by email notification.
The papers include some changes to the rules around Guest Bowlers although the basics are retained there are some additions to clarify the qualification of such bowlers.
There are only two all-teams meetings all season and as is our approach we are totally open in everything we do. So you can view all the papers for the meeting and records of past meetings, we have no secrets to hide.
The agenda is below with all the minutes of the last meeting, rule changes and finance report all in one file for you to download and view at your leisure. We don't have a lot of money, that is not our aim as we don't judge how successful we are by how much money we have in the bank. We don't charge teams a lot of money to join the League, we don't have any honorarium payments to hand out and we don't pay any prize money.
A meeting of the Winter League teams will be held at Milnsbridge BC at 1.30pm on Wednesday 29 March 2023
1. Welcome MR
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 August 2022 (attached) MR
3. Matter Arising MR
4. Finance Report (attached) BH
5. Rule changes (attached) JJ
6. Winter Cup 2023 JJ
7. Plans for 2023-24 season JJ
8. First Aid matters JJ
9. Any other business MR
10. Date of Annual General Meeting MR