Winter League
The provisional fixture programme for the 2021-22 Winter League season is now available on Bowlsnet directly from the window below.
I say 'provisional' as there is the opportunity to change some of the dates if there is a groundswell of clubs supporting any proposed changes. In particular I am looking at Christmas week as currently I have left it clear but clubs may be prepared to play that week and therefore clear a February date from the programme when it is likely to be more inclement weather.
Although each Division has 9 teams (so every team gets 2 bye-weeks) there are different start dates for them due to green availability. The start and finish dates for each of the three divisions are listed below.
Division 1 at Milnsbridge. Start Wed 6 October. Finish Wed 9 February
Division 2 at Springwood Start Wed 20 October. Finish Wed 23 February
Division 3 at Thorpe Green Start Mon 11 October. Finish Mon 14 February
There is every chance that we will have to add some additional dates to the programme if we get a lot of weather cancellations on scheduled match days. I would be loath to extend the season any later than it already is so such cancellations will have to be fitted in between existing fixtures making two games in a week for affected teams. We are in the luxurious position of being able to play most days of the week with no other local league dates to avoid apart from the Hove Edge Winter League who play on Tuesdays.
If bowlers, teams or clubs have any views on the provisional fixture programme then now is the time to share them by contacting me in the next 7 days before we need to confirm the full programme for the 2021-22 season. Contact Us
Looking forward to winter bowling again 😃