Winter League

I thought I would share with you two questions about the League that were asked of me this week to which there is one answer.
Question 1: Why are Springwood and Milnsbridge playing all their matches on their home greens? Wouldn't it be fairer if they played on the alternative green and then all the teams would be playing on neutral greens?
Question 2: Why don't teams play home and away matches? So play the first half of the season on one green and then the second half on the other green?
As I say the answer to both is the same.
The fixtures are set up the way they are because of problems the host clubs have in providing all the services expected if they have their teams playing away from home. So that includes access, hot drinks, raffles, cleaning up etc. Neither of the host clubs have sufficient people involved prepared to do all these jobs whilst their club mates are bowling elsewhere right through the season.
The principle of home and away and neutral greens is worth aspiring to but we need to find a way of providing that whilst satisfying the needs of the host clubs. Think about what problems it might cause within your own club if you were in that situation.
I don't want to concentrate on the negatives because the positive feedback far outweighs the concerns that some bowlers have registered. There is no problem with speaking about what is not working as well as it could, that is the only way that we will improve and there are definitely some things that need changing.
We have learnt a lot this season and I have no doubt that we will introduce some changes for next year based on lessons learnt. At the end of the day, the clubs will decide on any changes and we will do that with a full season's learning behind us.
Let us know about any things that you think need improving or identify something that you really don't want to see changed at all.