Bowling News

Over the last few days we have conducted an anonymous poll inviting bowlers to lodge their votes and views on the capabilities of the Yorkshire CCGBA to undertake the full responsibilities of their role. You voted emphatically that they are not up to the job. In fact only 7% of the votes supported the YCCGBA and thought that they were up to the mark.
Question 1 also asked if you thought that your club would benefit from some qualified support from Yorkshire CCGBA in submitting bids for grants, 78% of the votes answered YES. At the last YCCGBA Council meeting, a proposal to introduce such a free service to clubs in Yorkshire was thrown out as the Council didn't believe that clubs would get benefit from it.
In total 41 genuine votes were received. The comparatively low number is probably due to the fact that not a lot of clubs and bowlers will have contact with the YCCGBA at any time.
Thank you to all those that took the time to complete an entry.
Below are all your votes and views on the 4 questions asked in the poll.
Q1: Would your club benefit from receiving some free help in bidding for sporting grants to improve your club's facilities?

Q2: Do you believe that the YCCGBA is fit for purpose?

Q3: Why do you think that?
They are set in there ways and reluctant to change
Little or no communication with clubs.
Poor communications, working in the interests of the YCCGBA not the interests of clubs
No interaction at club level sold out to Bowls England
What do they do nothing constructive
Fantastic organisation that work tirelessly for bowls!
After being Secretary of my local club for 8 years, I cannot recollect ever having any direct correspondence from them. In that time I believe that the club has paid over £400 in fees, for what, I do not know. Not only does this comment apply to YCCGBA but also to BCGBA. I appreciate that we need a governing body, but do we need two, I think not.
Very good organisation
No help
It's a job I would not do so I don't want to criticise No credibility so no-one is going to follow their lead.
Because they don't seem interested in actually doing anything
Not enough information
As a club Secretary apart from asking for annual fees I have never had any communication from them or contact with them at all. We have paid for books from YCCGBA and BCGBA but never seen any in 4 years, since someone who knew somebody!! retired We don’t know where to get them.
Probably because younger people will not put their name forward to do some of the jobs that do take a good bit of time and patience.
Not up for the job.
Little interest in grassroots bowling. Little enthusiasm or vision. Shoddy work in many aspects.
Many of the Hierarchy who run the YCCGBA are of an age where they do not see how the association could be run in such a way to attract new and younger bowlers. Maybe it is a time for change.
Need younger members with positive energy and fresh ideas
Don’t really know what they do and are responsible for.
They don’t impact , in a good way or a bad way, on me or my Club
Just money making
Bowling is a simple game and does not need salaried people to run it.
Because I don't know - obvious isn't it?
These days there is really not much positive information comes from them all they seem to do is make the odd changes and look at ways to increase fees to pay themselves fees and expenses and not put any new income into bowling.
For a very long time the association has favoured and basically been run primarily for clubs in the Huddersfield district
I don’t understand what YCCGBA does
They are simply about taking subs to pay out there honorariums
No advice or leadership has been forthcoming after the new announcement by the Government as regards to when bowling can start. Every local league has to make their own decisions.
I have little knowledge of the actually work undertaken by the YCCGBA, but if the points above are true then I'm very disappointed in the organisation and see no long term future for the sport if things continue down the same path.
They don’t do anything, nothing changes and the sport is dying.
I honestly thought that once the hudds mafia was finally broken up some progress would be seen but alas that's not been the case.
Just money making
Same as BCGBA, most are only there for themselves Bowling at club level doesn,t seem to interest them.
Q4: What would you like the YCCGBA to do for bowling?
It needs new blood on the top table fresh ideas and that is not going to happen
Promote the sport for all
Become a proper leader; YCCGBA is always years behind the other counties in doing anything productive.
Help promotion of bowls at grassroots level
Help to build bowling and take it forward
They should hold leagues & district accountable and ensure that information is cascaded to clubs.
Consider the fact there are a number of prosperous clubs that have many members who play in several leagues throughout the week, but there are others who have the minimal number of members, just enough to keep going, but as far as I know, all clubs pay the same fees. Surely some sort of scale of fees could be produced to assist the minnows.
Increase numbers bowling promotion, promotion
Give clubs some help in obtaining funding
Set up their own online questionnaire to get feedback from clubs and bowlers direct.
At least try to get us up and running again would be nice instead of being negative all the time
Keeping everyone informed no matter what.
It's very frustrating when we don't know what's happening like the present situation
Keep clubs up to date with bowling changes, bowling news, a body where you could get help, ask questions.
Tell us where to get their books!!!!
Communication through the Covid situation would have been nice and encouraging.
It is very difficult to motivate themselves when they are in the older category
Get a grip of the task of leadership
Promote the sport in such a way that encourages younger men and women to want to take up the game. At the moment it is all about how much money they can make without having to plough it back into the clubs.
Modernise, elect new officers which have a more defined representation of member clubs, particularly the ones that need help to survive.
Have a clear defined role, responsibilities and a plan of action. Eg To promote crown green bowling in Yorkshire and be a positive voice within the BCGBA.
To help clubs to develop and prosper by being a focal point of advice and support.
To positively encourage new bowlers to the sport.
To promote and arrange coaching courses for new and existing bowlers.
To organise and run county competitions. I’m sure there’s more.
Pack in
Simplify and increase accessibility of bowls
Communicate with affiliated associations and club secretaries
They should be trying to promote bowling and encourage people to join this great activity.
Acknowledge that Yorkshire exists outside of a few select clubs and districts and afford the same attention and opportunities across the whole of its area
Promote/ Support/Grow Crown Green Bowling
Take charge
To give guidance.
We are trying to get new members but all the powers that be are wanting clubs to pay the fees without any bowling.
Develop a strategy to increase level of younger bowlers
I understand that people are reluctant to fill the roles of the organisation, but I think a fresh input of ideas would be useful, and an implementation for the development, growth, support and marketing of our wonderful all inclusive sport
Promote and market the sport, bring in more opening days and encourage families to bowl.
Get up to speed with communications aspect
Pack in
Promote our game and help clubs more.
Start getting involved at club level