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'Name The Google Green'

Bowling News

Bowling Quiz

Week 2 Day 2 of our competition continues as we challenge you to name three local bowling greens from satellite shots taken from Google Maps. Three greens a day for four days (Monday to Thursday) this week with all the answers on Friday.

These are not easy on purpose. You will find some black patches on some of them and these are blotting out any text on the Google map which I judge is too helpful. Yesterday we posted greens 1 to 3 of this week's dozen for you to identify. Today we offer three more green for you to find.

Word Search: An extra dimension to the quiz this week as we add something that may help or hinder your chances of guessing all three greens each day. Take the first letter of the first green each day (i.e. number 1,4,7 and 10), mix up those 4 letters to come up with a four-letter word with links to bowling. Using this method you may even come up with the Day 4 green before it appears online.

You can always check out your best guesses on any day by sending me your answers to my email address and I will let you know how many you have got right (if any). The clever ones among you may also send in the answer to the Word Search before Thursday morning to get a name check! No prizes, all just for fun. Good luck!

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