Another entry into our Holiday Greens series and I am very grateful to Nancy Wood for this photograph and write up about an annual competition staged at the Alvor Bowling Club in the Algarve.

Nancy Wood provides all the details to go along with the photograph ....
Following on from your photos of holiday greens, attached is a photo of Andy Wike (Moldgreen Con) after he won the Alvor Bowls Club Crown Green Singles Tournament in The Algarve in February 2020. This is an annual event which has taken the place of the former Huddersfield Examiner Bowls Holiday originally run by Peter Muff.

The Tournament was won in 2018 by the late Roger Crowther. Alvor Bowls Club also runs a Doubles Competition in November - in 2020 this was won by Lorraine Hirst (New Mill). The tournaments are open to all entrants and players from Huddersfield are in attendance. There is now a new Triples competition as well coming up. Full details and entry forms are available on their website for all their competitions at