Winter League
The Winter League purports to be a mixed-gender competition but is that supported by the evidence or is it something in name only? I decided to take a little time to identify the split between men and women bowlers that have actually played in the League this season. The results of that team-by-team exercise are shown below and reveal that 281 different bowlers have played in the League this season so far. Of those, 75 are women, which means that over a quarter (26.7%) of those that have appeared in the League this season are women bowlers.
The split between the five divisions shows that Division 1 has the least number of women bowlers with 17% in total and this exercise also revealed that Division 1 has the least number of bowlers in total with just 46 bowlers used so far this season.
Only one team has only women bowlers and that is Golcar C&BC whilst 14 of the 40 teams in the League have only included male bowlers all season so far. Lots more conclusions you can extract from the full listing below but I believe that the figures do support the fact that women bowlers are as welcome as men to play in the League and are doing so in increasing numbers.
Totally agree it's a mixed gender league and I fully support everything that is being done but I'm afraid it's still not an OPEN's restricted..,.. which is a shame in these times